Thursday, March 8, 2007
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Most of us know that March 17th is St. Patrick's Day – but did you kow that the whole of March is the Irish-American Heritage Month? How well do you know of your heritage? Here are some facts from the US Census Bureau:

  • 34.7 million number of US residents claim their Irish ancestry. (9 times the population of Ireland!)
  • 24% of Massachusetts residents are of Irish ancestry. That corresponds to the rate of 12% for the nation as a whole.
  • The Irish are highly educated. 31% of people with Irish ancestry 25 or older have a bachelor's degree or more education. 91% in this age group at least have a HS diploma. (That's higher than the national average of 84%)
  • Median income for households headed by an Irish-American householder is $51,937 ($46,242 is the national median household income). On top of that, only 9% of people of Irish ancestry were in poverty (that's lower than 13% for all Americans.)

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posted by Gerry at Thursday, March 08, 2007 |